How Exercise Helps Your Beard

Some people hate it, some people love it. But exercise is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. It also helps your beard gains. So if you're struggling to maintain a strong, all-rounded beard then exercise will help stimulate growth.

When you sweat during exercise it clears your pores of grime and dead skin - and get rid of your toxins from the last weekend!A healthy body is achieved through eating healthy food and exercising regularly. In order for your skin and hair to fire on all cylinders, you want a healthy body to back it up.

If you're just starting to exercise then it can seem hard. But don't worry - everyone starts from somewhere! It's best to find an exercise you enjoy when you start - that doesn't mean you have to join a gym - you can train anywhere:

  • Power walk or jog around your neighborhood
  • Swim laps at a local pool
  • Try kayaking or rowing
  • Check out hiking trails near your home
  • Join a gym closer to work than home - this way you work out right before or right after work

It takes a while for a new routine to become a habit, and it takes practice for any new skill to be mastered. Exercise is no different! Your body is going to resist your efforts to improve your health and change your lifestyle at first. In fact, the first couple of weeks might be a little discouraging. I repeat - Stick. With. It.


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